A Place for Passion
About Me

- Passion Pair
- I would like to welcome you to this blog and let you know a bit about me. My name is Christina and I am not a therapist or other "expert" on sex and relationships. I am simply a woman who loves life, love, intimacy, romance and sex. I believe that life is all about never-ending learning and exploration. I am a wife and mother who has discovered through her experiences, a crystal clear understanding of what is truly important and maybe more importantly, what is not. I have been married since 1994 and have children ranging from 7 years old to 21 years old. I have found ways to maintain a happy marriage and passionate sex life with my husband, all while raising a family, managing finances and daily stresses and even overcoming more than one life threatening situation. I have often been the "go to" person for friends, who expressed admiration for my relationship with my partner and family and seek the same for their lives. One of my best friends, Bonnie, often collaborates with me on topics. Together we would like to invite you to join us on a journey to find a place for passion in all aspects of life.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Back in action
It has been a while since I have posted here and a lot has happened.
The biggest news is that I bought a 40' long transit bus and converted it into a mobile store. I have taken it to a few shows and have done a home party and a burlesque class in it. It is awesome having everything set up in the bus on display. I no longer have to pack everything into suitcases, loading and unloading for each event.
There is a space in the back that can be used as a dressing area or for a small group to convene.
We are looking to increase the number of events we will be doing so watch for updates on our Facebook page.
Friday, September 27, 2013
video discussion from male room tv
I enjoy the videos that the Male Room TV does. This one is "the truth about our sex lives."
back to blogland and a documentary video
It has been a while since I posted. Things have been crazy. We have been trying to get money from our 401K to drill a new well, since ours was trashed due to flooding. I never new it would be so hard to get access to money that we had put into that fund. Still dealing with this stressful situation but trying to let it impact less of the rest of my life, including this blog.
Anyway, on to better things.
I ran across this documentary video. http://documentaryheaven.com/my-penis-and-i/ I was glad I found it. It may be eye opening, sad or who knows what other emotion it will bring up for you, but I think it is interesting.
I would love to be able to sit this guy down and let him know that size is only a small portion, no pun intended, of the equation. His size may actually help him, due to being able to stimulate the g-spot better. His passion, fingers, tongue, toys, confidence and so many other factors really have a lot more impact.
Each one of us is built differently, inside and outside. Of course there are similarities, but it is the differences that make us who we are. There is a good compliment to each of us and finding the one that compliments us is part of our journey.
I would love to see more people learn to love everything about themselves and be less critical, less open to shame and limiting beliefs.
I know that I have spent a lot of time working on these things in myself and every day, every moment is another opportunity to grow. I backslide and fall into old patterns just the same as others, but I try to be aware of what I am doing and make steps toward the positive rather that back into the negative.
Anyway, on to better things.
I ran across this documentary video. http://documentaryheaven.com/my-penis-and-i/ I was glad I found it. It may be eye opening, sad or who knows what other emotion it will bring up for you, but I think it is interesting.
I would love to be able to sit this guy down and let him know that size is only a small portion, no pun intended, of the equation. His size may actually help him, due to being able to stimulate the g-spot better. His passion, fingers, tongue, toys, confidence and so many other factors really have a lot more impact.
Each one of us is built differently, inside and outside. Of course there are similarities, but it is the differences that make us who we are. There is a good compliment to each of us and finding the one that compliments us is part of our journey.
I would love to see more people learn to love everything about themselves and be less critical, less open to shame and limiting beliefs.
I know that I have spent a lot of time working on these things in myself and every day, every moment is another opportunity to grow. I backslide and fall into old patterns just the same as others, but I try to be aware of what I am doing and make steps toward the positive rather that back into the negative.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Dodson and Ross on the Ideal Clit Process
This is an informative video. Betty has been doing this work for many years and has a lot of great information that she shares.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Baggage, are you ready to lighten the load?
Have you ever wondered why there are people that only seem happy when things are going haywire and they have something to complain about. Well I read an article that talked about how the brain actually releases endorphins in response to negative emotions. It is kinda like when you stub your toe, it feels bad, but your brain releases chemicals to make you feel better. These chemicals give you that feel good feeling, which is as addictive as drugs.
My journey has been creating a more positive life, with more positive things flowing to me. I have had to make a conscious effort to retrain myself since much of the conditioning leaned toward negative beliefs. "Money doesn't grow on trees." "Life is not fair." I am sure you have heard these or many other statements like them.
I made a decision to leave that heavy bag full of limiting beliefs, past hurts, and all sorts of negative crap, instead of dragging it along with me. It is extremely freeing to quit hauling all that junk. I am not going to say that I don't stumble and fall back into a pattern of letting some of those limiting beliefs back in. Years of pattern are not changed over night. However, I make every effort to keep these limiting beliefs out of my existence and bring more positive into its place.
One of the biggest and most simple ways to move into the positive, is to be grateful for things. Gratitude focuses on the positive things in your life instead of the negative. Each turn toward a more positive feeling will help to bring more positive to you. It is a simple law of attraction that like attracts like. Some examples that we can all be grateful for, since you are reading this you must be alive, is this it is a new day and you are alive. The past is now in the past and the choices we make from this moment on will be creating a new future. Stay in the moment and find those things to be grateful for, both large and small.
Another way to have a positive impact is to smile. Smiles have an impact on others as well as your own brain. You can actually trick your brain into releasing feel good chemicals and help to release negative emotions when you smile. Even just placing a pencil in your mouth and engaging those same muscles you use when you smile, will cause your brain to believe you are smiling for real. Your smile could be just the thing that changes another persons whole day.
Most of us have some baggage from our past. Some have a tiny little clutch purse size and others drag a train of large luggage along with them. I encourage you to try opening your hand and letting go. You can always go back and pick it back up, if you feel you must. We all choose our own paths. I believe that if you really give yourself a chance to move on in your life without the load of crap that you have been dragging, you will not want to continue to haul such a heavy load. Life flows so much easier when you are not weighed down by all the stuff that is not really serving you.
So what is the risk of letting it go? You may feel a bit uncomfortable but you can always choose to crawl back into your comfort zone. Just remember that what is uncomfortable now, will soon become part of your comfort zone. You can take a baby step outside that comfort zone, wait and let that get comfortable and then take another baby step. The lion doesn't eat the elephant whole, just one bite at a time. Let yourself begin your new journey with one step at a time.
What would the benefits be? You lighten your burden. You give yourself the opportunity to let more positive into your life. You free yourself to experience with a fresh perspective. Limitless potential. Hmm, sounds good to me.
All the benefits far outweigh the risks in my mind. I will definitely be continuing along this path of releasing the negative load and turning into the flow of positive gifts that life has to offer.
What is your choice?
My journey has been creating a more positive life, with more positive things flowing to me. I have had to make a conscious effort to retrain myself since much of the conditioning leaned toward negative beliefs. "Money doesn't grow on trees." "Life is not fair." I am sure you have heard these or many other statements like them.
I made a decision to leave that heavy bag full of limiting beliefs, past hurts, and all sorts of negative crap, instead of dragging it along with me. It is extremely freeing to quit hauling all that junk. I am not going to say that I don't stumble and fall back into a pattern of letting some of those limiting beliefs back in. Years of pattern are not changed over night. However, I make every effort to keep these limiting beliefs out of my existence and bring more positive into its place.
One of the biggest and most simple ways to move into the positive, is to be grateful for things. Gratitude focuses on the positive things in your life instead of the negative. Each turn toward a more positive feeling will help to bring more positive to you. It is a simple law of attraction that like attracts like. Some examples that we can all be grateful for, since you are reading this you must be alive, is this it is a new day and you are alive. The past is now in the past and the choices we make from this moment on will be creating a new future. Stay in the moment and find those things to be grateful for, both large and small.
Another way to have a positive impact is to smile. Smiles have an impact on others as well as your own brain. You can actually trick your brain into releasing feel good chemicals and help to release negative emotions when you smile. Even just placing a pencil in your mouth and engaging those same muscles you use when you smile, will cause your brain to believe you are smiling for real. Your smile could be just the thing that changes another persons whole day.
Most of us have some baggage from our past. Some have a tiny little clutch purse size and others drag a train of large luggage along with them. I encourage you to try opening your hand and letting go. You can always go back and pick it back up, if you feel you must. We all choose our own paths. I believe that if you really give yourself a chance to move on in your life without the load of crap that you have been dragging, you will not want to continue to haul such a heavy load. Life flows so much easier when you are not weighed down by all the stuff that is not really serving you.
So what is the risk of letting it go? You may feel a bit uncomfortable but you can always choose to crawl back into your comfort zone. Just remember that what is uncomfortable now, will soon become part of your comfort zone. You can take a baby step outside that comfort zone, wait and let that get comfortable and then take another baby step. The lion doesn't eat the elephant whole, just one bite at a time. Let yourself begin your new journey with one step at a time.
What would the benefits be? You lighten your burden. You give yourself the opportunity to let more positive into your life. You free yourself to experience with a fresh perspective. Limitless potential. Hmm, sounds good to me.
All the benefits far outweigh the risks in my mind. I will definitely be continuing along this path of releasing the negative load and turning into the flow of positive gifts that life has to offer.
What is your choice?
Thursday, June 20, 2013
What would it take for ______________ to happen?
We all have dreams and desires. What would it take for those desires to come about?
Sometimes it seems that our dreams are too far from our reach. So I encourage you to ask yourself, "what would it take for my dreams to come true?"
Begin by visualizing your dream. What does it look like being in that dream?
What does it feel like, living this dream?
What can I do now, to put me a step closer to this dream?
Is there something that you need to learn to get closer to your dream?
What can you do in this moment?
Take that first small step toward your dream. This first step is often the most difficult, often because we fear "losing" the dream or not being deserving of our dream. Box that fear up and give it to the angels. Fill yourself with love instead, fear cannot live where love resides.
Don't compare your dream to others, we all have our perfect dream for us and we are all deserving of our own personal dream. It is created just for us and is meant for us alone.
So dream big, and start with those small steps on your way to your dream.
Sometimes it seems that our dreams are too far from our reach. So I encourage you to ask yourself, "what would it take for my dreams to come true?"
Begin by visualizing your dream. What does it look like being in that dream?
What does it feel like, living this dream?
What can I do now, to put me a step closer to this dream?
Is there something that you need to learn to get closer to your dream?
What can you do in this moment?
Take that first small step toward your dream. This first step is often the most difficult, often because we fear "losing" the dream or not being deserving of our dream. Box that fear up and give it to the angels. Fill yourself with love instead, fear cannot live where love resides.
Don't compare your dream to others, we all have our perfect dream for us and we are all deserving of our own personal dream. It is created just for us and is meant for us alone.
So dream big, and start with those small steps on your way to your dream.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Time for a BAB- Body Appreciating Bath
Every day we see ads telling us to buy diet plans, anti-aging creams and such. We are never thin enough, pretty enough, rich enough, or perfect enough in some other persons thinking. It is no wonder that so many of us are so critical about ourselves.
I say it is high time that we begin a routine of appreciation. One of the easiest ways that I have found to appreciate my body, is during a bath.
Now I have always been a shower person myself and have a hard time relaxing in the bath. My mind was always racing, thinking about other things that I should be doing, like taking a moment to enjoy myself and relax was not allowed or a waste of time or something, how ridiculous. Recently though, I have began a routine of taking a bath before some of my showers. I fill my tub with warm water and some wonderfully scented bath salts. I climb in and lay back and focus on my breathing. I plug my ears so the sound of my breathing is amplified and focus on taking slow and deep breaths. I was a bit surprised at first at how relaxed I could get by focusing on my breathing in the tub.
Once I am relaxed I begin my body appreciation routine. Remember that this is about appreciation and not a time to criticize. I start with my feet, but you can start any place you choose. I thank my feet for carrying my body through the day, allowing me to walk and stand. I thank my legs for being strong, allowing me to walk, run, ride a bike or a horse. I think my glutes for aiding in my movement and for a comfy way to sit. I think my belly for carrying my children. I can even thank my fat for insulating me against the cold. No part of your body is wrong or bad, it just is. Every part of us has a job to do and we should be thankful for those jobs that it does. Our lungs breathe, our hearts pump the life sustaining blood and nutrients. The list goes on and on. Take a moment to appreciate each part of your body.
Appreciation is a blessed thing. The more that we appreciate things within and around us, the more there will be to appreciate.
Lets all make a point to appreciate our body, beginning with at least once a week and working up to daily. Appreciation is the beginning to a wonderful path of self love and to the abundance that many of us desire.
I say it is high time that we begin a routine of appreciation. One of the easiest ways that I have found to appreciate my body, is during a bath.
Now I have always been a shower person myself and have a hard time relaxing in the bath. My mind was always racing, thinking about other things that I should be doing, like taking a moment to enjoy myself and relax was not allowed or a waste of time or something, how ridiculous. Recently though, I have began a routine of taking a bath before some of my showers. I fill my tub with warm water and some wonderfully scented bath salts. I climb in and lay back and focus on my breathing. I plug my ears so the sound of my breathing is amplified and focus on taking slow and deep breaths. I was a bit surprised at first at how relaxed I could get by focusing on my breathing in the tub.
Once I am relaxed I begin my body appreciation routine. Remember that this is about appreciation and not a time to criticize. I start with my feet, but you can start any place you choose. I thank my feet for carrying my body through the day, allowing me to walk and stand. I thank my legs for being strong, allowing me to walk, run, ride a bike or a horse. I think my glutes for aiding in my movement and for a comfy way to sit. I think my belly for carrying my children. I can even thank my fat for insulating me against the cold. No part of your body is wrong or bad, it just is. Every part of us has a job to do and we should be thankful for those jobs that it does. Our lungs breathe, our hearts pump the life sustaining blood and nutrients. The list goes on and on. Take a moment to appreciate each part of your body.
Appreciation is a blessed thing. The more that we appreciate things within and around us, the more there will be to appreciate.
Lets all make a point to appreciate our body, beginning with at least once a week and working up to daily. Appreciation is the beginning to a wonderful path of self love and to the abundance that many of us desire.
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