Every day we see ads telling us to buy diet plans, anti-aging creams and such. We are never thin enough, pretty enough, rich enough, or perfect enough in some other persons thinking. It is no wonder that so many of us are so critical about ourselves.
I say it is high time that we begin a routine of appreciation. One of the easiest ways that I have found to appreciate my body, is during a bath.
Now I have always been a shower person myself and have a hard time relaxing in the bath. My mind was always racing, thinking about other things that I should be doing, like taking a moment to enjoy myself and relax was not allowed or a waste of time or something, how ridiculous. Recently though, I have began a routine of taking a bath before some of my showers. I fill my tub with warm water and some wonderfully scented bath salts. I climb in and lay back and focus on my breathing. I plug my ears so the sound of my breathing is amplified and focus on taking slow and deep breaths. I was a bit surprised at first at how relaxed I could get by focusing on my breathing in the tub.
Once I am relaxed I begin my body appreciation routine. Remember that this is about appreciation and not a time to criticize. I start with my feet, but you can start any place you choose. I thank my feet for carrying my body through the day, allowing me to walk and stand. I thank my legs for being strong, allowing me to walk, run, ride a bike or a horse. I think my glutes for aiding in my movement and for a comfy way to sit. I think my belly for carrying my children. I can even thank my fat for insulating me against the cold. No part of your body is wrong or bad, it just is. Every part of us has a job to do and we should be thankful for those jobs that it does. Our lungs breathe, our hearts pump the life sustaining blood and nutrients. The list goes on and on. Take a moment to appreciate each part of your body.
Appreciation is a blessed thing. The more that we appreciate things within and around us, the more there will be to appreciate.
Lets all make a point to appreciate our body, beginning with at least once a week and working up to daily. Appreciation is the beginning to a wonderful path of self love and to the abundance that many of us desire.
About Me

- Passion Pair
- I would like to welcome you to this blog and let you know a bit about me. My name is Christina and I am not a therapist or other "expert" on sex and relationships. I am simply a woman who loves life, love, intimacy, romance and sex. I believe that life is all about never-ending learning and exploration. I am a wife and mother who has discovered through her experiences, a crystal clear understanding of what is truly important and maybe more importantly, what is not. I have been married since 1994 and have children ranging from 7 years old to 21 years old. I have found ways to maintain a happy marriage and passionate sex life with my husband, all while raising a family, managing finances and daily stresses and even overcoming more than one life threatening situation. I have often been the "go to" person for friends, who expressed admiration for my relationship with my partner and family and seek the same for their lives. One of my best friends, Bonnie, often collaborates with me on topics. Together we would like to invite you to join us on a journey to find a place for passion in all aspects of life.