When she pulls away, pull her back
When you see her start crying just hold her and don’t say a word
When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she’s scared, protect her
When she steals your favorite hoodie, let her wear it
When she grabs at yours hand, hold her’s and play with her fingers
When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does
When she’s mad, hug her tight and don’t let go
When she says she’s okay, don’t believe it
Treat her like she’s all that matters to you
Kiss her in the pouring rain
When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is :”whose butt am I kicking baby?”
Ladies, this apply to him as well!
I love it! Excellent advice... and it goes both ways!