Lets talk about sound and the impact it can have in your bedroom. We can start with the most basic idea that many will probably come up with, bringing music into our sanctuary. The type of music that sets the mood will vary with the couple, but music has a strong impact on mood. Just try a sampling and see what impact it has with you. How does the music impact the movement of your body? Does it impact your mood? This is a great way to help clear your mind of the daily clutter and allow your mind to drift with the music and free you to be in the moment. Music can also help to block out sounds from outside your intimate setting. Also useful if you would like to buffer the sounds that you may make from prying little ears, or maybe bigger ears.
Sounds are definitely not limited to music. The sounds that each of us make, plays a major role in our partnerships. What we say and how we say it has a profound effect on our partner and how they respond to us. The same phrase spoken in an intimate whisper will have a much different effect than that phrase shouted across the room. Want a little dirty talk added to your repertoire?
Remember that intimate situations open us up to a certain level of vulnerability. Because of this, we should make every effort to keep our communication positive. "I like how this feels" or "I would like a little faster or slower" are more appropriate than "that isn't doing anything for me" or "are you done yet?"
Words are not the only sounds that can stimulate a little passion. A sigh, gasp or soft moan can speak volumes to your partner about what brings you pleasure. Set yourself free and allow yourself to share these intimate sounds with your partner. It is all up to you whether you softly sigh or shout it from the treetops. Let instinct guide you a little here.
About Me

- Passion Pair
- I would like to welcome you to this blog and let you know a bit about me. My name is Christina and I am not a therapist or other "expert" on sex and relationships. I am simply a woman who loves life, love, intimacy, romance and sex. I believe that life is all about never-ending learning and exploration. I am a wife and mother who has discovered through her experiences, a crystal clear understanding of what is truly important and maybe more importantly, what is not. I have been married since 1994 and have children ranging from 7 years old to 21 years old. I have found ways to maintain a happy marriage and passionate sex life with my husband, all while raising a family, managing finances and daily stresses and even overcoming more than one life threatening situation. I have often been the "go to" person for friends, who expressed admiration for my relationship with my partner and family and seek the same for their lives. One of my best friends, Bonnie, often collaborates with me on topics. Together we would like to invite you to join us on a journey to find a place for passion in all aspects of life.
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