Today I want to focus on your sense of smell. Take a moment to smell the aromas in your bedroom. Are they appealing to you?
First off, lets make sure all the less appealing scents are removed. If you have laundry in your room, for example, take a moment to remove it. Sweaty socks is not my idea of the most appealing scent for the bedroom.
We have a wonderful opportunity here to explore some tantalizing scents. There is a multitude of scented candles out there to choose from. Aromatic oils, potpourri and incense are also good ways to incorporate scents into our bedroom. The variety of scented products for the couple has grown immensely. Powders, creams and erotic oils and gels come in a wide variety, from fruity to chocolate and many, many more.
Please take note of what you and your partner enjoy. The bedroom is shared so we want the aromas to be enjoyed by both parties involved.
I also want you to consider your own scent for a moment. Scented bath oils are one way to give yourself a pleasant and soft aroma. Lets remember that we don't want to overdo a scent here. Some people are more sensitive to perfumes and such, so lets be sure it is enjoyable for our partner as well. I would also like to point out that not all aromatics that we use on our body will have a pleasant taste to them as well. To create the most relaxed situation, try products that not only smell good but taste good as well.
I encourage you to explore the wonderful world of smell.
About Me

- Passion Pair
- I would like to welcome you to this blog and let you know a bit about me. My name is Christina and I am not a therapist or other "expert" on sex and relationships. I am simply a woman who loves life, love, intimacy, romance and sex. I believe that life is all about never-ending learning and exploration. I am a wife and mother who has discovered through her experiences, a crystal clear understanding of what is truly important and maybe more importantly, what is not. I have been married since 1994 and have children ranging from 7 years old to 21 years old. I have found ways to maintain a happy marriage and passionate sex life with my husband, all while raising a family, managing finances and daily stresses and even overcoming more than one life threatening situation. I have often been the "go to" person for friends, who expressed admiration for my relationship with my partner and family and seek the same for their lives. One of my best friends, Bonnie, often collaborates with me on topics. Together we would like to invite you to join us on a journey to find a place for passion in all aspects of life.
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